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  3. Aseona – SEO & Marketing Elementor WordPress Theme
  4. Header and Footer

Header and Footer

Our theme comes with multiple header and footer styles. Which was built with Elementor page builder.

To use those headers/footers, you have to install and active Elementor – Header, Footer & Blocks plugin.

Then you can add/edit headers, footers from Appearance -> Header Footer & Blocks screen

When you import demo data to your site, then you will have header and footer posts like this

Aseona has 5 header and 3 footer styles. And each page has different header/footer.

If you want have only one header/footer style for your site, select your favorite one and trash others.

Edit your header/footer post to set it showing on entire website, delete exclusion rule

Then edit it with Elementor to change details with yours

For more detail on using a Elementor please read its documentation:  Elementor – Getting Started

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