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  4. Member Plans
  5. Create New Plan for Member

Create New Plan for Member

Navigate to Dashboard > Listing Plans > Add New Plan,  enter name + content shows on Pricing table
And complete some options below:

Recurring Options:

Trial Interval: Package membership experience time, input 0  to disabled.
Trial Period: Period of experience under: Days / Weeks / Month / Years.

Plan Options:

You should enter full informations, it will be data validation for member later.
Subtitle(optional): This is small text below the Pricing title.
Price: The fee using of package, input 0 for free.
Period: the cycle time of each package calculated according to Days / Weeks / Months / Years
Interval: Numbers of PERIOD value which listing will be expired
Listing Submission Limit: Numbers of listing who subscribe for this plan can submit.
Unlimited Listing Submission:  
Is Recurring:  

Stripe recurring Options:

Stripe Plan: Enter your Stripe Plan ID or create New Plan using this plan details.

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